Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Effects of Junk Food on Health

The Effects of Junk Food on Health Junk foods are deemed to be trash foods as they are high in fat, sodium  and sugar. The apparent effect of junk food can lead to obesity and a range of attendant health problems, including diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. Majority of junk food choices do not deliver beneficial nutritional values. Here are the facts about  how excessive junk food consumption affects your body. First of all, junk food doesn't contain the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. As a result, you may feel chronically fatigued and lack the energy you need to complete daily tasks.The high levels of sugar in junk food puts your metabolism under stress; when you eat refined sugar, your pancreas secretes high amounts of insulin to prevent a dangerous spike in blood sugar levels. Also, you can be less focused with anything you undertake at work and home because what you are acquiring from junk foods are mere fats, not healthy ingredients. Also, you will experience lack of important oxygen that eventually result to poor brain functioning. In fact, junk food will cause our body lacking of energy and less concentration and focus when doing work. Next, junk food contributes obesity.Junk food contains large amounts of fat, and as fat accumulates in your body, you'll gain weight and could become obese. The more weight you gain, the more you'll be at risk for serious chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. The high levels of fat and sodium in junk food can cause high blood pressure or hypertension. You'll feel tired and have trouble concentrating because your body might not be getting enough oxygen. Hence, fat will lead to weight gain and obese sickness, furthermore, high risk in suffering critical illness such as heart disease.Moreover, junk food can lead to diabetes. This happens because eating too much sugar puts your metabolism under stress, your body has to pump up insulin production to prevent a dangerous spike in blo od sugar levels. Because junk food doesn't contain the protein or complex carbohydrates that your body needs to maintain consistent blood sugar levels, your blood sugar levels will drop suddenly soon after eating. You'll crave sugar and likely end up eating more junk food. Over time, this stress damages your body's ability to use the insulin secreted by your pancrease.A healthy diet can help maintain your body's insulin sensitivity. As can be seen, over amount of sugar will cause pancrease problem and diabetes which will affect the ability of controlling sugar level. In conclusion, junk food caused diabetes, obesity and lack of nutrients for a healthy body. We must be disciplined in indulging in these types of food because they are initially unhealthy to have. Too much of anything sweet or salty is health threatening, to prevent it, we can pick fruits and high-fiber food for good snacks and meals.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Fashion marketing Essay

Fashion marketing over the years has changed considerably. This has been due to number reasons which include culture, lifestyles, technology and the media. A case student of a student will be used. Culture is a link between â€Å"three components: what people think, what they do, and the  material products they produce† but also has the property of â€Å"shaping behaviour and  consciousness within a human society†Ã‚   (Hofstede, 2001) Fashion marketing and culture are closely linked.  People who are members of the same culture, most of the times have an unwritten code  between them for many sectors of their life – social and private. Eskimos are a great example  of such â€Å"unusual habits†, which offer their wife to their visitor during the first night and they  simply mean â€Å"Thank you† with this gesture. Moreover, people around the world use different  movements of their face, hands and body to express their feelings and a foreign student might  feel embarrassed, annoyed or shocked when encounters incidents like the one mentioned  above or ones that are totally new and beyond his expectations. Read more: Fashion essay A Student may face  difficulties to adapt to the climate of the new country as well, which might be too warm or  too cold for the standards of his home town. Additionally, the food most probably will be  different and this may make him feel sick or enthusiast about this. The most important aspect  of a foreign student’s life will be the educational system and fashion, which may differ from  the relationship between teacher and student, to the way the courses are being taught and  gaining employment in the fashion industry due to different cultural norms and values. The  general   rule of thumb at this point is that, after a period of time, â€Å"the culture abroad may  now come the ‘normal’ way of living† . The feelings, that have arisen from this whole  situation of encountering a new culture, are distinctly different to what had been witnessed in  Bulgaria. The most efficient way for a foreigner, student or traveller, before come into  contact with another culture is to be prepared about the variation among cultures and fashion  trends. One must notice that if a stranger meets another culture, but put aside any egoistic  feelings that might have, which do not let him understand the different lifestyles among  people, will only gain from this interaction. Nowadays, that many countries become multi-  cultural, it is important for the locals and the foreigners to try cooperating with each other in  order both of them to live smoothly together. (Hofstede, 2001) The term â€Å"fashion† holistically covers a plethora of different trends and styles. It has been  observed in the UK that many people dress to impress and others dress for attention purposes.  Youngsters in the UK are becoming more and more fashionable and are becoming conscious  of new trends and styles. People in the UK always strive to look their best which is  painstakingly different to what it is like in Bulgaria where they seem reasonably content with  whatever they wear. Whether people in the UK dress smartly, wearing the latest designer  labels that cost a fortune or whether they wear black Gothic clothes and cover their faces in  thick make up, they take pride in their appearance which seems like a cultural norm in the  UK.   (Connor, 1997)

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Causes of Different Types of Crimes

Causes of Different Types of Crimes Deviant behaviors are those behaviors that society does not like because the society does not see the behavior as a normal behavior for that society. Like gay marriages or cross dressers. Deviant behavior that is criminal is when the behavior becomes harmful to those in the society. Like murdering a person. A behavior that is criminal but not deviant would be driving under the influence or being intoxicated in public. A behavior that is deviant but not criminal would be a teenager with piercings and tattoos all over their body. A behavior that is both deviant and criminal would be spousal abuse. Society determines which behaviors are deviant and which are criminal. Governments or even individuals can convince local authorities that a deviant act is criminal or vice versa. Criminal laws vary because the laws are imposed by the local authorities so the laws will be different from city to city, state to state, or even town to town. Criminologists utilize three primary sources of data t hat provide information on the nature and extent of crime. Identify and explain each of these three different sources of crime data. Also, assess the strengths and weaknesses of each source. Finally, provide an example of a research question that a criminologist may be interested in examining and then explain which source of crime data the researcher would need to utilize to answer his/her question. The three primary sources of data that can provide information on the nature and extent of crime are (1) crimes that get reported to the authorities, this includes the uniform crime reports and the national incident based reporting system (2) victimization surveys which includes the national crime victimization survey and (3) the self-report surveys that include the monitoring the future studies. The uniform crime reports are recorded by the FBI and include all the crimes that have been reported to the authorities and how many arrests are made. The report that the FBI makes is sectioned out by city and county by the most serious crimes that occurred. These are called â€Å"part I crimes and part II crimes† Part I crimes include things like rape, robbery and burglary whereas part II crimes include sex crimes and other types of crimes not defined in the part I crimes. A strength for the UCR is the way that the data is collected makes the UCR a good indicator of patterns in crime. A weakness for the UCR is that many crimes are not reported to authorities and therefore do not get counted. The national incident based reporting system goes a step further than the UCR does in that it requires local authorities to provide a report of the arrest that includes details of the incident and also information on the victim and the criminal. These reports are sent to the FBI for only certain offenses that include not only the offenses that the URC covers but also includes white collar crimes and drug offenses. A strength of the national incident based reporting system is th at it includes more details on the crimes than the UCR does which will hopefully improve how accurate the crime data is. A weakness of the NIBRS is that it only reports crime that have been reported to authorities it does not include crimes that have taken place but not reported by the victim.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

2008-2009 Economic Crisis and the Policies Implemented Research Paper

2008-2009 Economic Crisis and the Policies Implemented - Research Paper Example This happens while unemployment and bankruptcies rates go up (Andrews, 2009). Recessions crop up when there is a general drop in expenditure. It follows the rising of an economic bubble or an unpredictable supply shock. Governments respond to recessions through implementing expansionary macroeconomic strategies. They tend to raise the government’s expenditure, increase the money supply and lessen the amount of tax paid by the citizens (Andrews, 2009). In 2007, a global financial predicament rapidly metamorphosed from the satiation of the assets bubble in the United States to the most horrible recession ever witnessed on the planet. This paper will research on the causes of the 2008-2009 economic predicament and the policies executed by various key people liable for saving the U.S. economy. It will also explain the task, constitutional authority, and the policy view of some current holders of key positions that set policies for saving the U.S. economy. In 2007, a worldwide econ omic predicament spread its gloom on the financial outcomes of several nations (Simon, 2001). It ended with what was often termed as the worst recession (Simon, 2001). Its source that originated from the sub-prime segment of the United State real estate field as an isolated turmoil matured into a complete recession in 2007. The old well-known fact that the whole world sneezes when the United States seizes flu seemed to be justified (Baker, 2007). This is because vital economies like Japan and nations in the European Union also went into recession in mid 2008. Generally, 2009 became the first year since the 2nd WW that the world had experienced a recession, a catastrophic over turn of the boom years from 2002 to 2007. The predicament came mainly as a shock to most policymakers, economists, investors and multilateral agencies. The day before the eruption of the economic disaster, Jean Philippe of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) declared that for the O ECD region all together, development is set to go past its potential rate for the rest of 2007 plus 2008. This was held up by optimism in rising market economies and positive financial settings. Following the worldwide recession of 2008 and 2009, the economics line of work has come under a huge deal of disapproval from leading scholars. Economists offer a strong analysis of the economics line of work. They dispute that both implicit and explicit intellectual conspiracies make it hard for the leading members of the job to promote a genuine discussion derived from alternative perspectives (Baker, 2007). These leading members were always allied with selected American universities. The outcome was that a rather restricted intellectual discussion occurred between like-minded scholars. Hence, it does not astonish that, for a great deal of 2008, the harshness of this global recession was underrated. Afterward, leading interpreters, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Wo rld Bank, made several changes to its growth forecasts during 2008 and 2009 as the degree of the crisis developed (Baker, 2007). Causes of the 2008-2009 Economic Crisis There were numerous revealing factors that should have set off alarm bells warning of an upcoming economic recession. A huge majority of officials, academics and financiers, overlooked the signals and instead made plentiful claims about a fresh period. There existed a universal excitement regarding the conditions of the worldwide economy and with a lot of critics saying that time was different. As disputed by this research, there exists, however, numerous connections between the banking crises and previous US sub-prime

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Terrorism the Future, and US Foreign Policy Assignment

Terrorism the Future, and US Foreign Policy - Assignment Example The United States of America, in their capacity as one of the most powerful and resourceful countries, should be the world leaders in the fight against terrorism. A prime example of a terrorist attack is the attack on the World Trade Centre, which was a catalyst in causing other countries to be concerned about the global security threat. It stands to reason therefore, that 9/11 was a catalyst in the implementation of strategies to combat terrorism in the USA and other countries. The USA took some major steps in protecting the world from terrorists and acts of terrorism which were affecting other parts of the world as well. The initial step taken by the USA in the fight against terrorism was to find the leader of the terrorists, in doing that the USA took decisive action by sending forces to Afghanistan by way of Pakistan to find the group responsible for the terrorist act against the USA. The USA deployed its forces to these countries from 1999 to 2010, as a part of their policy. The services of almost 136 countries were offered for this purpose. In the month of November 2002 in an international law enforcement effort resulted in the arrests of three thousand (3,000) terrorists in over one hundred (100) countries. According to the words of Raphael Perl in â€Å"Terrorism, the Future, and US Foreign Policy,† the author outlined the background as that of the US foreign policy, in 1995, when there were 23% of terrorists who acted against the US citizens or their property. The second step was when they searched the entire country and found terrorists belonging to a particular religious group called Al Qaida, whose group leader was the infamous Osama Bin Ladin, who is the leader of a worldwide group of terrorists. Author Raphael Perl, in his book â€Å"Terrorism, the Future, and US Foreign Policy† writes about conflicting goals and action plans. (1) To protect the people from terrorism, (2) Developing policies to fight against terrorism. The USA worked very hard to maintain world peace and was working really hard to develop anti-terrorism policies by bearing the two points outlined above in mind. For dealing with the current asymmetrical threat to global security, the author outlined both future and current threats and the capabilities of the USA as well as the opportunities which presented themselves. He also outlined how to improve the policies and systems in relation to global security both for the present and future. The USA was very instrumental in removing Saddam Hussein from being the ruler of Iraq and in so doing, gave the local residents of Iraq human rights, protection, and freedom. To summarize this, the USA which is one of the most powerful countries in the world has taken steps in order to maintain world peace. To address global security, the USA has sought the help of many countries who, in assisting the USA has also eliminated the threat of terrorism as well as the terrorists in their own countries.  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Problem Customers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Problem Customers - Essay Example When we consider the above problem we can mention 7 types of problem resolution and recovery procedures. They can be termed as follows: 1. The problem resolution regarding the customers who claim services like electricity, telephone, internet and mobile phone services. 2. The problem resolution regarding the customers who buy goods on instalments and do not pay citing different reasons. 3. The problem resolution regarding the customers who bargain on price of the goods without compromising on quality 4. The problem resolution and recovery procedures for the customers who stop the payment of bills in post paid services due to unnecessary dissatisfaction. 5. The problem and resolution and recovery procedures for the customers who pay the deposit and use the services that cost more than the deposit without paying for the post paid service 6. The recovery procedures regarding the customers who do not handover the articles that are supplied for the utilisation of the company's service even after disconnection of the service 7. the problem resolution regarding the customers who value quality of service, goods and nice treatment from the sales persons. In dealing with the 1st type of customers they try to pay the bill a little bit late but want to avoid the penalty. If the late is understandable and not a loss to the company, the executive or a manager can take the decision of not imparting on him the penalty and it can be conveyed to the customers. This makes the problem customer who delays the payment but not fails, stick to the company. In dealing with the 2nd type of problem customers they delay the payment of instalment due to the dissatisfaction of the working of the instrument they buy on... Before talking about the three types of scenarios for three types of problem customers, let us talk about the problem customers who should be fired out of the marketing circle of the company. This is possible when the company is sure about the service offered by it is up to the point of maximum quality. They can rely on the point that the complaint of more than one customer only can be considered. If only one customer continues to complaint more than once and twice and if other customers are not facing the problems faced by this customer, it is fine for the company to fire him out. The reason behind is maintaining the customer is not cost effective for the company. 1 In dealing with the 1st type of customers they try to pay the bill a little bit late but want to avoid the penalty. If the late is understandable and not a loss to the company, the executive or a manager can take the decision of not imparting on him the penalty and it can be conveyed to the customers. This makes the problem customer who delays the payment but not fails, stick to the company. In dealing with the 2nd type of problem customers they delay the payment of instalment due to the dissatisfaction of the working of the instrument they buy on instalments.

The Disease of Alcoholism Speech or Presentation

The Disease of Alcoholism - Speech or Presentation Example The present paper has identified that alcohol is a poison which can damage the body. Either as a con ­ sequence of its direct toxic effects or because of the dietary and vitamin  deficiencies which often  accompany heavy drinking, alcohol can harm the body. It can damage the brain with, at worst, dementia the result. The nerve supply to the limbs can be impaired with numbing and pain (peripheral neuritis). The liver can be the prime site of alcohol poisoning, with cirrhosis the outcome. The pancreas can become inflamed, with painful and potentially lethal consequences. The limb muscles can be weakened (Goodlett et al 1999). Only imagine that about 200,000 deaths each year are directly related to alcohol abuse (Death Statistics 2007). The major adverse effects associated with alcohol abuse are related to liver damage because of the accumulation fats and protein in the liver. Long-term heavy drinking is associated with the development of esophagitis, gastritis, achlorhydria and g astric ulcers. Heavy alcohol intake may interfere in the normal process of food digestion and absorption (Goodlett et al 1999). It also inhibits the capacity of the intestines to absorb various nutrients including vitamins and amino acids. This can result to vitamin deficiencies. Alcohol has been shown to affect the heart by increasing the resting cardiac output, heart rate and myocardial oxygen consumption. A person with alcohol intoxication may also be predisposed to infections secondary to the suppression of the immune system. Alcoholism ruins personality and males a person dependant on alcohol. â€Å"Rich or poor, tall or short, fat or thin, male or female, all fall into the alcoholic spectrum in an orderly and predictable pattern--each being equal to the other†. Form the chemical and biological point of view alcohol has potent effects on areas of the brainstem called the locus coeruleus and the raphe nuclei (Goodlett et al 1999). These play an important role in both moto r coordination and alertness, which unsurprisingly are two of the functions most impaired by having a drink or three. Alcohol abuse is so dangerous because it negatively inferences the mental and psychological development of a person. Alcoholism has the potential to disrupt every brain function. The well-known fact is that alcohol may appear to be a stimulant, but it is mostly a central nervous system depressant. Although initially there may be a feeling of happiness and well-being, alcohol produces loss of emotional control, violent behavior, inability to coordinate movement, nausea, confusion, and coma. Less known facts are that alcoholic coma is not a minor problem - it results in death in about 1 in 20 cases. Once people who use alcohol heavily are habituated to this drug after five or so years; they will experience blackouts, nightmares, and hallucinations. It is a known fact that citizens can drink alcohol life long in moderate quantities without significant risk to health or social well-being. Unfortunately, too many people who take alcohol regularly are unable to resist the temptation and increase the quantity of alcohol that leads to alcoholism. It is important to remember that withdrawal also produces uncontrolled trembling of the limbs, delirium and epileptic attacks that do not always respond to anti-epileptic drugs (Goodlett et al 1999).  

Sunday, August 25, 2019

How ernest hemmingways life is paralleled in his works Essay

How ernest hemmingways life is paralleled in his works - Essay Example His writings remain well known due to his harshness, reductionist technique, and availability to readers. His writings created the way for potboilers and pulp fiction. In the almost sixty-two years of his existence that came after, he created a literary image without exceeding in the twentieth era. In acting as such, he as well formed a mythological champion in himself that encouraged, and some other times confronted not only committed literary critics, but also the intermediary. His life and trademarks remain evident even at current; otherwise, he was a star (Krstovic 20). His life encounters and how they were parallel to his work Born in 1899, in Oak Park, Illinois, Ernest Hemingway enjoyed an upper middle group atmosphere, where his dad worked as a physician and his mother had practiced as a singer. The household used to go for summers in Michigan, where Ernest developed his huge admiration of everything that was not indoors. As a teenager, his dad taught him the way to hunt and f ish next to shores and within the bushes encircling Michigan Lake. This admiration of nature lived with him for the whole of his life. Nature could be the touchstone of Hemingway’s life and task. When Ernest finished his secondary education, his uncle assisted him get an employment as a reporter in the Kansas City Star. Therefore, this means that he never went to college after high school. Ernest worked at the Star for around six months (Mark 97). Hemmingway was a great sportsman. He loved portraying hunters, soldiers, and bullfighters. His interest in sports is evident in his high school life. He worked on the school’s newspaper; Tabula and Trapeze, primarily writing on sports. Due to America’s involvement in World War 1, Hemingway attempted to join the US Army. Happy as he was, he did not pass the physical test because of his poor eyesight. The desire to take part in the War did not however end there, and Hemingway enrolled with the Red Cross as an Ambulance d river. Upon coming out of US, Hemingway initially moved to Paris, and then got commands to go to Milan. After a short while after arriving at Milan, he travelled to the city of Schio where he did the job of driving ambulances. While shipping chocolates and cigarettes to war men on the rear, Hemingway got badly wounded on July 8, 1918, by pieces from an Austrian gun shield. Despite being seriously injured by the gun, and knocked by machine mortar fire Hemingway committed himself to safe the protection of his compatriot war men, moving them from the danger zone. The Italian state later gave Hemingway a silver medal of Military Valor for his champion activity (Smith 45). Hemingway stayed for some time nursing injuries at a hospital in Milan, where he met Agnes Von kurowsky, a nurse who came from Washington DC. The nurse had six years in his life older than Hemingway did, but he loved her and organized to go with her home to Oak Park. Despite Hemingway falling in love with Agnes, their love affair did not last his going back to the United States of America. Agnes, after a short while, left Hemingway for another man. This greatly devastated the writer, who was still young in age. This instance contributed to his writing of ‘A Very Short Story’ and ‘A Farewell to Arms’. This is a further instance of instances in the writer’s life that shaped his works. It was later that Hemmingway met his first wife Elizabeth Hadley Richardson whom they got married on 1921. They shifted to Paris, France and towards the end of 1923, as Hadley neared giving her

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Islamic Societies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Islamic Societies - Essay Example Religious matters are mentioned not very often in the text. The main character of the text states that â€Å"I had covenanted with Allah, be He exalted, since I was of the age of about a score, that I would not delay prayer as for as it was in my power†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Chenery, Steingass, 1867/1898, 58). The text concerns itself with such Arabic literature features as protection of persons from sins, prayers among people, especially poor. The text contradicts to description of such a moment in the piece of reading when the events take place on the slaves market which is located in the city of Zabid, Yemen. The Arabic literature states that the Prophet Muhammad was the first fighter against the slavery. This piece of text belongs to the type of maqama – a prose which is rhymed and something between fiction and non-fiction. As this type of writing tackles different subjects within the text, the subjects of it are religious matters – protection from sins, prayers, and descr iption of slavery, a contradictory point to the Arabic literature. The second reading source, Irwin’s â€Å"The Penguin Anthology of Classical Arabic Literature†, also has religious issues. There is an example in the text when the Prophet is referred to: â€Å"Bless Mohammed, the last of Thy prophets for ever, him that came thy message to deliver! Bless the lights of his family and Keys of his victory!† (Irwin, 2006, 190). This reference source provides evidence of efflorescence of the Arabic literature. Such poet as Omar Khayyam is reasonably considered the most prominent one in the Arabic literature. His most famous book, Rubaiyat, describes the things that are far from the Islamic religion norms and restrictions, and he is considered to be the supporter of hedonism. Another bright example of the Arabic literature is One thousand and One Nights, a collection of South

Friday, August 23, 2019

Creativity and standards task Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Creativity and standards task - Essay Example It also looks at companies and organizations relevant to the profession and furthering career in such organizations. The network engineer profession entails internetworking of services in the telecommunication industry. It has the obligation of developing both hardware and software requirements for computers. Its main concern is the creation, design and the management of computer networks in the telecommunications industry. The profession also entails the development of communication network topologies to enhance communication between various devices. All these obligations and responsibilities are carried out by a network administrator. A network engineer handles the computers in any organization by networking them and other devices so that there is communication in the organization via the computers. The network engineer also has the obligation of configuring the devices and designing an appropriate network topology for the organization. Standards organisations and their standards S tandards are crucial in networking because they set a common platform for all manufacturers of networking products. It ensures uniformity in the making of these products and that they carry out this activity in a common way. It also makes interconnection of networks for the various vendors easy and simple. Standardization of networking has the ability to kill or break these products (Bernstein, 2004, p.6). Many vendors today are reluctant to support any new technology that just comes up unless there is a standard base from which it is coming from. They want to be sure that there can be assurance and protection for their hardware and software in case of any failure. This makes it impossible for vendors to release products that are in accordance to the set standards which are acceptable in the market. Therefore, standards ensure that any product released for use in the market is of good quality and that meets the set standards. There are many organizations that have the responsibility of setting these standards in the field of networking. They act as the source of these standards and they also give references. Some of these organizations devote themselves to setting the standards so that they ensure uniformity and compatibility of networking in the region and in the world (Grayson, 2011, p.83). This research paper seeks to look at five of these organizations and the standards they have set in this field. Some of these standards organization include the Organization of Standardization and many others that are discussed in this paper. 1. The Organization of Standardization (ISO) The Organization of Standardization (ISO) has its basis in Paris but has many other branches in other countries all over the world. It is a leading organization in setting of standards in the world. For instance its branch in the UK is known as British Standards Institution, while the one in the United States is ANSI. It sets standards in other areas related to networking like in education al institutions and research centres which deal with networking. Some of the standards that it sets include those that aim at establishing global standards in the communication and information sector. These standards are important to the future carrier of network engineering is that they promote open networking to enhance communication in all environments. They define standards for

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Alfred Hitchcock Essay Example for Free

Alfred Hitchcock Essay For every Hitchcock’s story come suspense, drama, terror and exhilarating scope of life’s spectacular event. Alfred Hitchcock who was an English made the word â€Å"mystery and suspense† attached to every story he has to tell. He has been a productive writer, director and an ever mysterious of a man himself ever since he was young man in the 1930’s. His passion for storytelling and direction always catch the ever hungry public for horror, suspense and drama. AH revolutionizes filmmaking with deep mystery and a shady touch. He started writing and filming since the movies was in black and white. Here are some of those who made it to the editors and reviewer’s desk along with the reference. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981). An adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg and starred by Harrison Ford. Spielberg admits that one of the most significant director that inspired in doing this suspense and adventure film was Alfred Hitchcock. He always quoted Hitchcock in making this movie and telling the media that Hitchcock influenced really inspire him in coming up an adventure film full of action and suspense.   The story goes Archeology Professor Indiana Jones escapes death from poison dart, lots of falling and breaking of bones. A large boulder even nearly pinned him to a pulp. This is just to get an old Indian idol for his collection. He ended up being beaten by Belloq for the prize. Belloq, his old arch enemy is always on his tail and as he is, always determined to fight to the last to any precious thing they can catch. Confronted with many enemies and obstacles he failed to have the idol but instead getting back alive. Back to the university he was told that an old archeological society established by the Nazi was in Cairo for a mission to lay hands on the Ark of the Covenant which Indy assumed is the real resting place of the lost Ark.   The Ark is where the 10 commandments are kept. Indy as an archeologist discovered that the Ark is keeping a powerful energy which if fall in the wrong hands could cause disaster with the world. Being in love with adventures he went away straight to Cairo picking up his girlfriend and friend on his way. Danger is everywhere from Nazi thugs in their every way to poisonous snakes on the Ark’s hiding place. Belloq being bold and daring as Indy was hired by the Nazis to lay their hands on the Ark. Being able to get the Ark, the Nazis hired Belloq to steal the Ark from him. Belloq succeeded again in having the Ark. Together with his friends Indy who is determined with his every action launches another neck-breaking move to get the Ark back and finding himself fighting for his life again especially when he dealt with a giant German thug. The Nazis having the Ark have to drive again to Cairo to make the ritual in opening up the Ark. With the path full booby traps and enemies the Nazis are determined to stop Indy from his track doing all their things to kill him. He however survived and be able to stop the Nazis with their black intention. This movie was now a classic but the director behind it has made history up to our modern world of cinema. Spielberg was hailed as one of the most productive and genius director of all time. And he owes it partly from the influence of Hitchcock and his style (Pallison). In the Mood for Love (2000). The story is based in Hong Kong and the year is 1962. It is a story of love, infidelity and integrity which catapult into betrayal and immorality. Two people met at the wrong place and at the wrong time which made the film more intriguing to watch. Two married couples met and live in a neighborhood and the beginning was a friendship. Having spouses who are always on the run for business have inadvertently discovered that their spouses have a clandestine affair. Ironically the two cheated souls met and work for the same project. Knowing they both have been deceived with their spouses, the two main characters have their very own chance of vengeance. But the vows which they promised were holding them back. In effect the drama of keeping the love back and fighting for their rights of being cheated added to the emotion in this movie. Infidelity is the name of the game and the characters Chow Mo-Wan (Tony Leung) and Su Li-zhen (Maggie Cheung) were very much convincing and make this drama more heartfelt. Directed by Wong Kar-Wai, who was considered Hong Kong’s cult director is one of the famous directors in Asia and now making a name in the world of directorship.   He admits his literary influences and cinematic skills from the likes of Martin Scorsese to Alfred Hitchcock.   Doing this movie, Director Kar-Wai thought that this is just an easy film thinking that there are only two main characters in the whole film. But realizing that the story relies not only on the main characters but with the details of describing the whole sentiments of the film it was developed into a subtle and one of the most romantic film ever made by an Asian director (Teo). Raising Cain (1992). A psychological thriller that tells the story of a father who seems to be psychologically insane even to the point of torturing his own son for the sake of his own mad experimentation. It is a disturbing film not be recommended to be watched by the innocent mind. Playing as the killer in this movie is John Lithgow who is very effective in this movie brutally torturing and murdering children for the sake of his experiments. Director De Palma has indeed put the proper angle for every scene to put the movie in its incredibly moving and thrilling effect. Although the movie has been rated R by many critics and disturbingly enough for the common people. This movie depicts some of the grossly-event that from time to time happening in our world today. Children are the victims in this movie and that really happens. In reality women are also the main victims because of their vulnerability. Brian de Palma is now on his fifth decade as a director. He is the most visible American director working to such ardent, usually violent and passionate movies. He is critically acclaimed to be one of the most suspenseful and exciting director of all time because of his dedication to art in producing films that are always exciting, intriguing and mockingly curious. He is explicit with every angle in his camera, fluent in the description of movements, and stylish with his combination of elegance and violence. Admittedly getting influenced by Hitchcock, he deliberately put the audience holding their breath and letting a shriek of terror whenever a piece was delivered (Barry). Twilight (19989). Starring Paul Newman who was once a former drunk, a private investigator and a cop who is about to retire. He now lives in with a couple who had a runaway daughter. Harry Ross (Newman) helped in finding and bringing her back but almost died when she accidentally shoot him instead. Bringing her back alive and him wounded, the couple managed to keep him as a bodyguard, a house help, and even a member of the family. Being alone and retired his bonding with the family has grown. Unknowingly, Jack (Gene Hackman) who owns the house has secretive scenarios unknown to the family. When Jack discovered that he is dying of cancer, he asked Harry to deliver a package to a certain woman named Gloria Lamar. Being confident with his friend’s request to simply deliver a package made his world turned upside down. Unfortunately the package was discovered and contained elements that lead to blackmail and murder which involved Jack. The sudden twist of this movie has a gripping and suspenseful events which on first viewing was such so simple and melancholic. In the later part of the movie and understanding all of the twist, the climax of the movie has been revealed. Directed by Robert Benton. Benton was considered one of the most popular and productive film makers of the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. His ever changing style in making his film has made him great and it is clearly shown in his films. Together with Newman in making this film they tried to make this movie more like a Hitchcock thriller with the style of other great directors. This film has made it and considered one of the top-earner films of the modern era. Benton has always tried to copy Hitchcock style of suspense and thrilling cinematography and it does not fail in every film he made (Williams). From the best classics that Hitchcock written or directed to the last movies in the last decade of his career Hitchcock has always been firm with his films to produce those hair-raising, thrill getting and full suspense films. He has already made a historical and symbolical symbol to filmmaking which our present film makers are now making his movies and style their reference and guidelines. From the budding director to a movie great filmmaker, Hitchcock would always come up as the â€Å"one† who made filmmaking an entertainment industry. He started his own style in black and white cinematography and silent movie and yet he was able to bring his audience with surprise and terror. Until today there are critics who are hoping to see a trace of Hitchcock’s suspenseful part for every movie they evaluate. In the kingdom of movie industry, people knew him to be a prolific and mysterious writer without the love for popularity and lights on him. For a movie fan who loves his movies he will always be the silent, mysterious man behind those cameras ready to frighten you out of your wits, hold on to your seats and gasp at the sudden flash of a surprise before your eyes. Before you knew it, your eyes are widened with shock and exhilaration envelops you. You are watching a Hitchcock movie and be prepared.. Work Cited Barry. A Fine Suspense Thriller.   (2001). Pallison, Arnauld. Hitchcocks Influences on Spielberg: Raiders of the Lost Ark as Example. 2006. Teo, Stephen, ed. Wong Kar-Wai, Auteur of Time 2005. Williams, Kent. Film Review Twilight. 1998.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Favourite Movie Essay Example for Free

Favourite Movie Essay My favourite movie is 3 idiot. 3 Idiots is adapted from a Chetan Bhagat’s novel. It is not just a story of 3 engineering students. The movie also presents the struggles of life that people have to face in their lives. The movie portrays how the human struggle for existence begins with the birth of a child. The child opens his eyes in the world to see the expectations floating in the eyes of his parents who want their children to become Engineer, Doctor, IAS, or some other officer, and glorify their family name. The movie effectively highlights the problem of parents pushing their children to choose what they don’t like and make them forget or ignore their hobbies that could have become a great profession for them. This happens overhere with Farhan who wanted to be a wildlife photographer. He could never do well in engineering but once he took up his hobby as profession he never looked back and established new milestones of success. On the other hand, Raju represents the class of children who under the burden of expectations of their parents start to fear failure. This ultimately kills their confidence and leads to their failure. This fear of failure sometimes forces them to take extreme steps as it happens with Raju who tries to commit suicide. But once he gains back his confidence he starts to taste success in whatever he endeavors. The film also depicts that life at engineering colleges is not fun; they have to deal with some serious problems including struggle to get good grades, ragging and mental pressure that forces a student to commit suicide. So I learnt a lot of things from this movie and the most motivating dialogue of this movie told by Rancho â€Å"Don’t run after success, be capable and success will come running after you† motivated me a lot in my life. Last of all I want to say that individual performances, screenplay, direction, editing to cinematography, especially melodious songs gave a perfection to this movie and made this movie, my favourite movie.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Water and Management Precipitation Input

Water and Management Precipitation Input Abstract: One of the key issues in flood management is knowledge of the precipitation input into catchments for hydrologists knowledge of this serves to mitigate hazardous and environmental catastrophes, it is thus imperative to adequately determine precipitation input with appropriate and applicable statistical tools. The objective of this study is to determine the actual precipitation input and suggest the most appropriate method of determining precipitation input for the model catchment provided. Standard and commonly used methods of obtaining the areal precipitation input over a catchment area from rain gauge measurements at the precipitation stations are the Arithmetic mean, Thiessen Polygon, Isohyetal, and the Hypsometric methods. These methods serve as good approximations where the topography of a catchment is flat, if the gauges are uniformly distributed and the individual gauge catches do not differ extensively from the mean. Arithmetic mean: This is the simplest form of giving a value of the average rainfall over a certain area, and works well under the following conditions: When the catchment area is sampled by many uniformly spaced rain gauges When the area has no marked diversity in topography (Davie, 2008) Applying this measurement tool to the arithmetic mean: There are 7 rain gauges with the mean value being 27.14 The total catchment area is = 456km 456 million square meters, 27mm = 0.027 meters So 456,000,000 x 0.027m  § = 12,312,000 m3 Thiessen Polygons: The method was devised by an American engineer, the method provides for the non-uniform distribution of gauges by determining a weighting factor for each gauge. This factor is based on the size of the area within the drainage basin that is closest to a given rain gauge. These areas are otherwise known as irregular polygons. The method is straightforward and easy to use: The catchment is divided into polygons by lines that are equidistant between pair of adjacent stations The lines/polygons are bisected Workout the area of each polygon by counting the squares within each Sums up the areas Compare to arithmetic method to confirm the two are the same Convert the individual polygonal areas to million sq meters and multiply by the converted precipitation rain gauges for example: o 178,000,000 x0.055 =9,790,000 Once this is done add them altogether to derive the total volume of precipitation input within the catchment. Isohyetal method This considered one of the most accurate methods; however as one will often find the method is subject to individual abilities and the knowledge of the general catchment. (Shaw, 1994) The method is more complicated than the first two: To derive of an accurate estimation of the rainfall input one must first find the distance between two rain gauges in mm and eventually interpolate and extrapolate the line to give the adjacent rainfall levels, which can later be plotted back onto the catchment sheet. i.e. method of summation: get the equidistant line between the two rain gauges take for example the distance in mm between gauge A and B 8.5cm-convert to mm- 85mm find the difference between the two rainfall gauges 55-30=25 now to work out the a  ¼ of 85, one would divide 85/100 and multiply this by 25  § =21.25 Which is subsequently a  ¼ of the equidistant line between the two rainfall gauges This figure can be used to derive the 2/4 point, the  ¾ point etc. By simply doubling the 21.25 figure you arrive at the 2/4 or 50% point and then to get the 75% point adds 21.25 to the 50% point. One must now expand on the quartiles between the rainfall gauges: This is done by using the difference (25) calculated earlier. Half of this gives 12.5 which when added to the first gauge, or gauge B (30mm) you get 42.5. Half of 12.5 gives 6.25, which when added to 30 gives 36.25, and so on until it matches against the adjacent measuring line. (*see supplementary sheets to see for techniques and further explanation) -once this is done plot the rainfall values using the adjacent measurements and join lines of equal rainfall Then progress to count the areas between the isohyets and find the average the two. Convert the individual areas to million sq meters and multiply by the converted average precipitation values for example: 31,000,000 x 0.059 = 1,829,000 cm3 Do the same with all the values; add them to get the total volume of precipitation input. Hypsometric Method The method uses catchment topography and the rainfall measurements to derive of a total weighted precipitation input. It fairly accurate however is also dependant on the abilities of an individual, whilst drawing the hypsometric curve. The hypsometric curve allows for adjacent precipitation values to read from the graph. The area underneath the curve of precipitation gives the area of an individual gauge, and can be calculated thereafter in the same system as the previous two methods: Analysis/Conclusion: It is clear from the results that the arithmetic mean is the likely to be less accurate than the other 3 methods, this is due to the catchment having qualities, such as topography and well distributed gauges which are characteristics that prove desirable to the other three methods. I have averaged the precipitation inputs to get a more accurate figure: Averaged 15,027,250 Total volume cm3 It has been very difficult to observe a trend of between the methods, however three major patterns have been observed, the arithmetic mean varies much from the Thiessen weights and other two weights, showing that on one level the arithmetic mean is less accurate and takes the values into a much broader scale, whereas the other three methods are much more specific. The relation between the weights is very spread because the precipitation input is governed by various factors and complex activities, and each method also demands certain qualities within a catchment for it to be applied appropriately, take for example the Isohyetal method which is subjective to individual abilities and knowledge of the catchment area, which in this case is not entirely possible, given the limited background information. References: Davie, T., (2008) Fundamentals of Hydrology Volume 1 of Routledge fundamentals of physical geography series, 2, illustrated, Routledge, pp28-30 Brooks, K. N., (2003) Hydrology and the management of watersheds, ed.3, illustrated, Wiley-Blackwell, pp30-34 ASCE (1996) Hydrology handbook, Iss. 28 Vol. 28 of Time Life Complete Gardener, American Society of Civil Engineers Publications, pp 40-48 Shaw, E.M., (1994) Hydrology in Practice, Taylor Francis, illustrated, 3rd ed., pp208-212

Monday, August 19, 2019

Raymond Carvers Cathedral Essay -- essays research papers fc

In "The Compartment," one of Raymond Carver's bleakest stories, a man passes through the French countryside in a train, en route to a rendevous with a son he has not seen for many years. "Now and then," the narrator says of the man, "Meyers saw a farmhouse and its outbuildings, everything surrounded by a wall. He thought this might be a good way to live-in an old house surrounded by a wall" (Cathedral 48). Due to a last minute change of heart, however, Meyers chooses to stay insulated in his "compartment" and, remaining on the train, reneges on his promise to the boy, walling out everything external to his selfish world, paternal obligation included. Meyers's tendency toward insularity is not, of course, unique among the characters in Cathedral or among the characters of earlier volumes. In Will You Be Quiet, Please? there is the paranoid self-cloistering of Slater and Arnold Breit, and in What We Talk About When We Talk About Love we read of James Packer's cantankerous,self-absorbed disgruntlement about life's injustices. In Cathedral appear other, more extreme versions of insularity,from a husband's self-imposed confinement to a living room in "Preservation" to another's pathetic reluctance to leave an attic garret in "Careful." More strikingly in Cathedral than before, Carver's figures seal themselves off from their worlds, walling out the threatening forces in their lives even as they wall themselves in, retreating destructively into the claustrophobic inner enclosures of self. But corresponding to this new extreme of insularity, there are in several stories equally striking instances where--pushing insularity the other way--characters attempt to throw off their entrapping nets and, in a few instances, appear to succeed. In Cathedral, and in Cathedral only, we witness the rare moments of their comings out, a process of openi ng up in closed-down lives that comes across in both the subjects and events of the stories and in the process of their telling, where self-disenfranchisement is reflected even on the level of discourse, rhetorically or structurally, or both. As one might expect, "de-insulation" of this kind necessarily involves the intervention of others: the coming out of a self-enclosed figure depends upon the influence of another being--a baker or a babysitter or blind man, o... ...alk About When We Talk About Love. New York: Random House, 1981. --. Where I'm Calling From. 1st edition. Franklin Center, PA: Franklin Library, 1988. --. Will You Be Quiet. Please? New York: McGraw-Hill, 1977. Howe, Irving. "Stories of Our Loneliness." New York Times Book Review. 11 Sep 1983: 42-43. Lonnquist, Barbara C. "Narrative Displacement and Literary Faith: Raymond Carver's Inheritance from Flannery O'Connor." Since Flannery O'Connor: Essays on the Contemporary American Short Story. Ed. Loren Logsdon and Charles W. Mayer. Macomb, IL: Western Illinois University, 1987. 142-50. Saltzman, Arthur. Understanding Raymond Carver. Columbia: U of South Carolina P, 1988. Skenazy, Paul. "Life in Limbo: Raymond Carver's Fiction." Enclitic 11(0000): 00-00. Stull, William. "Beyond Hopelessville: Another Side of Raymond Carver." Philological Quarterly 64 (1985): 1-15. Verley, Claudine. "Narration and Interiority in Raymond Carver's 'Where I'm Calling From.'" Journal of the Short Story in English 13 (1989): 91-102. Weele, Michael Vander. "Raymond Carver and the Language of Desire." Denver Quarterly 22 (1987): 00-000.

El Niño, A Non-technical Description :: essays research papers

El Nià ±o, A Non-technical Description An El Nià ±o is a temporary change in the climate of the Pacific ocean, in the region around the equator. You can see its effects in both the ocean and atmosphere, generally in Northern Hemisphere winter. Typically, the ocean surface warms up by a few degrees celsius. At the same time, the place where hefty thunderstorms occur on the equator moves eastward. Although those might seem like small differences, it nevertheless can have big effects on the world's climate. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What causes it? o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What makes it stop growing? o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What effects does it have? o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How long does it last? o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How often do we get them? o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How well can we predict El Nià ±o? o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A more technical explanation What causes it? Usually, the wind blows strongly from east to west along the equator in the Pacific. This actually piles up water (about half a meter's worth) in the western part of the Pacific. In the eastern part, deeper water (which is colder than the sun-warmed surface water) gets pulled up from below to replace the water pushed west. So, the normal situation is warm water (about 30 C) in the west, cold (about 22 C) in the east. In an El Nià ±o, the winds pushing that water around get weaker. As a result, some of the warm water piled up in the west slumps back down to the east, and not as much cold water gets pulled up from below. Both these tend to make the water in the eastern Pacific warmer, which is one of the hallmarks of an El Nià ±o. But it doesn't stop there. The warmer ocean then affects the winds--it makes the winds weaker! So if the winds get weaker, then the ocean gets warmer, which makes the winds get weaker, which makes the ocean get warmer ... this is called a positive feedback, and is what makes an El Nià ±o grow. Back to top So what makes it stop growing? The ocean is full of waves, but you might not know how many kinds of waves there are. There's one called a Rossby wave that is quite unlike the waves you see when you visit the beach. It's more like a distant cousin to a tidal wave. The difference is that a tidal wave goes very quickly, with all the water moving pretty much in the same direction. In a Rossby wave, the upper part of the ocean, say the top 100 meters or so, will be lesirely sliding one way, while the lower part, starting at 100 meters and going on down, will be slowly moving the other way.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Difficulities in the Play A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry Ess

Difficulities in the Play A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry In the four years between 1861 and 1865 this country was in civil war over the rights and freedom of blacks in America. When all was said and done, the blacks won their freedom and gained several rights that would make their lives better. Nearly one hundred years later, in 1959, Lorraine Hansberry wrote her great play, A Raisin in the Sun. It described the everyday life of a black family in the Southside of Chicago sometime after World War II. Throughout the play, Hansberry talks of the difficulties that the Younger family faces trying to get from one day to another; the problems that should have been resolved by the Civil War. Even after the Civil War and this play, many of these problems still exist today. The first difficulty that the Younger family faces is poor housing. The play starts off in a small two bedroom apartment with Ruth waking up her son, Travis, who sleeps on the couch in the living room. He sleeps on the couch because one bedroom is used by Ruth and Walter and the other by Mama and Beneatha. Every morning they wake up early so they can get to the one bathroom that is shared by all of the other families that live in the complex. When Mama talks about putting a down payment on a new house, Ruth says, ?Well, Lord knows, we?ve put enough rent into this here rat trap to pay for four houses by now? (p. 1817). When she says rat trap you would naturally think of some of the houses today with boarded up or broken windows, unattended yards, and streets that are covered with potholes. But in the movie, it is nothing like that. The movie depicts the apartment in a very livable way. You can say they made the best of a bad situation. T... ... over this and it was decided by the Civil War the blacks should have their freedom as ?full? American citizens. When will we be able to live as one community? ?The history must be taught, and if not in schools then at home. But that won?t or can?t be done until our home life, our families, get back on track. Its a vicious cycle. We still have a long, long way to go.? (Lee p. xivii) Bibliography: Hansberry, Lorraine. A Raisin in the Sun. Norton Introduction to Literature: 7th edition. Ed. Jerome Beaty, et al. New York: Norton, 1998. Lee, Spike. ?Commentary: Thoughts on the Screenplay.? A Raisin in the Sun: Original Screenplay. London: Penguin, 1992 Wilkerson, Margaret. ?Introduction.? A Raisin in the Sun: Original Screenplay. London: Penguin, 1992 X, Malcolm. The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As told to Alex Haley. New York: Ballantine Books, 1992

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Globalization process Essay

Due to the emergence of globalization process, many changes are taking place within the mainstream business activity. As the organizations becoming to more and more globalized, the need to have a uniform set of international standards is strongly felt. This argument is based on the fact that since organizations are becoming global and have to face the different legal as well as cultural environments therefore in a bid to reduce the bottlenecks for the international firms as well as creating a uniform set of accounting rules and regulations, it is critical that a convergence shall be made to the international accounting standards so that a uniformity can be achieved. The experience of EU and Canada has been successful so as those of other countries who are making a transition to the international accounting standards. This experience is also considered as a strong signal for the US to adapt to the new standards because it is connected with the global world. The complexities of the international trade have led much international business to remove the conflict between the different standards in place and as such the effort from the US is one of the attempts to converge to the International standards to achieve the desired results. However, it is also critical to note that many argue that such transition will be costly for the American firms because an earlier transition to Sarbanes Oxley has been a costly proposition for the many companies and most of them may be reluctant to adapt to the new standards. The costs, however, may be relatively high but the added benefits which US firms may enjoy after this convergence may greatly outweigh the benefits. The uniformity of the standards will allow international firms, especially to be more flexible and support the initiatives taken by the Security and Exchange Commission to make a phased transition to the adaptation of the IFRS. The process of this convergence can be difficult to assess as it is a phased process however, given the fact that more than 85 countries have adapted the IFRS itself indicate that more and more countries are now willing to adapt to the international standards in order to facilitate the businesses to adapt a uniform set of standards. Such large scale adaptation of the standards however, also creates cultural as well language problems as the correct and accurate interpretation of the standards itself is an issue to deal with. Language and culture therefore are two of the potential impediments which can restrict the true applicability of the standards even if the standards are fully implemented and adapted by the countries. If we assess the globalization of accounting standards with special reference to US, we will also come to know that few of the international firms in US have already adopted the standards for their foreign subsidiaries and as such this process may not be as complicated to them as they may perceive it. However, what is also critical to note that those firms which have only the domestic presence within the US market may find it difficult to cope with the increasing costs as well as adapting to the new standards? This will not only require investment into improving the skill level of the employees as well as would require additional funds to implement the new system.

Friday, August 16, 2019

A world without laws

Now, Imagine a world without any laws. No rules, no commands and Just your rules to be followed. It's also crazy Isn't To have a world without any laws means not only to be free but also to be In a world with chaos. For example, the traffic rules, Without any traffic rules, how can we determine whether we are on the go signal or not? Can you Imagine It? A car being smashed by another?What result would that supposed to be? Focuses! What else? It's accidents. Yes I can say that every person has his/her rights to wish for his/her freedom however, this freedom should be limited. In this case, I can also say that even though they can do anything what he/she wishes for, he/she can never wish what a government wishes to have in its institution, to have peace and order. Yet, people wish for their own interest and it doesn't help each other. Imagine the people peeing in different places, different streets? Or how about people who throws garbage anywhere? Do you think it's healthy?A big NO for me because these things exults into floods, typhoons and other natural calamities being held not constant or even worse deceases.. This makes the lives of others to be in danger. What about buildings making their goods at higher price or shall we say doing the act of overpricing? Is it helpful to us? I say, no. How can people with little income buy food with too expensive goods? How can they live their lives without buying it? The tendency would be robbery. They will be forced to rob food shops because they can't afford a high price of goods because they are poor.They will be forced and in such ease would make it a hobby because of that high prices of goods. Imagine the world without any law enforcers; do you think we can live peacefully? To those who have lost their innocent member of the family, do you think without the law enforcers, can they claim their right for injustice? No they can't. What about drugs, a world full of dangerous drugs, do you think it molds people to what ou r present professionals are doing right know? Again, I think not. These things we can imagine if we create a world without laws.A world full of accidents, harassment and such cases that a man can o without making himself or herself put Into Jail. Are you willing to have a world Like that? I guess not. Therefore, Imagine a world with laws. Laws that protects human life, a law that makes a person free with Its Limits, Isn't It wonderful? And Peaceful? We need laws to guide us, we need them because we do. Live a world with laws to be guided, secured and to be protected. A world without laws By Paraphrases Imagine a world without any laws. No rules, no commands and in fact we only follow rules of our own. Try to think of it. Fun! Isn't it?Now, imagine a world without any laws. No rules, no commands and Just your rules to be followed. It's also crazy isn't To have a world without any laws means not only to be free but also to be in a determine whether we are on the go signal or not? Can you imagine it? A car being they claim their right for injustice? No they can't. What about drugs, a world full of do without making himself or herself put into Jail. Are you willing to have a world like that? I guess not. Therefore, imagine a world with laws. Laws that protects human life, a law that makes a person free with its limits, isn't it wonderful? And Peaceful?

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Vaccine Controversy

The vaccine controversy is the dispute over the morality, ethics, effectiveness, and /or safety of vaccinations. The medical and scientific evidence is that the benefits of preventing suffering and death from infectious diseases outweigh rare adverse effects of immunization. Since vaccination began in the late 18th century, opponents have claimed that vaccines do not work, that they are or may be dangerous, that individuals should rely on personal hygiene instead, or that mandatory vaccinations violate individual rights or religious principles. And since then, successful campaigns against vaccinations have resulted in unnecessary injuries and mass death. Vaccines may cause side effects, and the success of immunization programs depend on public confidence for their safety. Concerns about immunization safety often follow a pattern: some investigators suggest that a medical condition in an adverse effect of vaccination; a premature announcement is made of the alleged side effect; the initial study is not reproduced by other groups; and finally, it takes several years to regain public confidence in the vaccine. In this paper I will be explaining several areas of the vaccine controversy: 1. The history of vaccinations and effectiveness 2. Why some parents are against immunizations 3. What are the findings Vaccination became widespread in the United Kingdom in the early 1800’s. Before that, religious arguments against inoculation (the placement of something that will grow or reproduce) were advanced. In a 1772 a sermon entitled â€Å"The Dangerous and Sinful Practice of Inoculation†, the English theologian Rev. Edmund Massey argued that diseases are sent by God to punish sin and that any attempt to prevent small pox via inoculation is a â€Å"diabolical operation†. Some anti – vaccinationists still base their stance against vaccination with reference to their religious beliefs. Public policy and successive Vaccination Acts first encouraged vaccination and then made it mandatory for all infants in 1853, with the highest penalty for refusal being a prison sentence. This was a significant change in the relationship between the British state and its citizens causing public backlash. After an 1867 law extended the requirement age to fourteen years, its opponents focused concern on infringement of individual freedom, and eventually a law in 1898 allowed for objection to vaccination. In the United States, President Thomas Jefferson took a close interest in vaccination, alongside Dr. Waterhouse, chief physician at Boston. Jefferson encouraged the development of ways to transport vaccine material through the Southern states, which included measures to avoid damage by heat, a leading cause of ineffective batches. Smallpox outbreaks were contained by a latter half of the 19th century, a development widely attributed to vaccination of a large portion of the population. Vaccinations rates after this decline in smallpox cases, and the disease again became epidemic in late 19th century. At this point in the 19th century, anti-vaccination activity increased in the U. S. Mass vaccination helped eradicate smallpox, which once killed as many as one in every seventh child in Europe. Vaccination has almost eradicated polio. As a more modest example, incidence of invasive disease with Haemophilus influenzae, a major cause of bacterial meningitis, and other serious disease in children has decreased by over 99% in the U. S. since the introduction of a vaccine in 1988. Fully vaccinating all U. S. children born in a given year from birth to adolescence saves an estimated 14 million infections. Some vaccine critics claim that there have never been any benefits to public health from vaccination. They argue that all the reduction of communicable diseases which were rampant in conditions where overcrowding, poor sanitation, almost non-existent hygiene, and a yearly period of very restricted diet existed are reduced because of changes in conditions excepting vaccination. Other critics argue that immunity given by vaccines is only temporarily and requires boosters, whereas those who survive the disease become permanently immune. Lack of complete vaccine coverage increases the risk of disease for the entire population, including those who have been vaccinated, because it reduces herd immunity. For example, measles targets children between the ages of 9 and 12 months, and the short window between the disappearance of maternal antibody (before which the vaccine often fails to seroconvert) and natural infection means that vaccinated children frequently are still vulnerable. Herd immunity lessens this vulnerability, if all the children are vaccinated. Increasing herd immunity during an outbreak or threatened outbreak is the most widely accepted justification for mass vaccination. Mass vaccination also helps to increase coverage rapidly, thus obtaining herd immunity, when a new vaccine is introduced. Commonly used vaccines are a cost – effective and preventive way of promoting good health, compared to the cost of treatment of acute or chronic diseases. In the U. S. during the year 2001, routine childhood immunizations against seven diseases were estimated to save over $40 billion per year, overall social costs including $10 billion in direct health costs, and the societal benefit – cost ratio for these vaccinations was estimated to be $16. 5 billion. In several countries reductions in the use of some vaccines was followed by increases in the diseases morbidity and morality. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, continued high levels of vaccine coverage are necessary to prevent resurgence of disease which had been eliminated. Few deny the vast improvements vaccination has made to the public health. They are more concerned with the safety of vaccines. All vaccines may cause side effects, and immunization safety is a huge concern. Controversies in this area revolve around the question of whether the risks of perceived adverse effects following immunization outweigh the benefit of preventing adverse effects of common diseases. There is scientific evidence that in rare cases immunizations can cause adverse effects, such as oral polio vaccine causing paralysis however, current scientific evidence does not support the hypothesis of causation for more common disorders such as autism. Although the hypotheses that vaccines cause autism are biologically implausible, it would be hard to study scientifically whether autism is less common in children who do not follow recommended vaccination schedules, because an experiment based on withholding vaccines from children would be unethical. Another concern of parents regarding the safety of vaccines is the thought that vaccine overload will weaken a child’s immune system and can lead to adverse side effects. Although scientific evidence does not support and even contradicts this idea, many parent especially parents of autistic children, firmly believe that vaccine overload causes autism. However, the idea of vaccine overload does not stand for several reasons. First of all, vaccines do not overwhelm the immune system. In fact, scientists believe that the immune system can respond to thousands of viruses simultaneously. Also, despite the number of increase in the number of vaccines over recent decades, improvements in vaccine design have reduced the immunologic load from vaccines, such that the number of immunological components in the fourteen vaccines administered in the U. S. to children is less than 10% of what it was in the seven vaccines given in 1980. Vaccines constitutes only a tiny fraction of the pathogens naturally encountered by a child in a typical year and common childhood conditions such as fevers and middle ear infections pose a much greater challenge to the immune system than vaccines do. Second, studies have shown that vaccinations, and even multiple concurrent vaccinations, do not weaken the immune system, or compromise overall immunity. Other safety concerns about vaccines have been published on the Internet, in informal meetings, in books, and at symposia. These include hypotheses that vaccination can cause sudden infant death syndrome, epileptic seizures, allergies, multiple sclerosis, and autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, as well as hypotheses that vaccination can transmit bovine spongiform encephalopathy, Hepatitis C, and HIV. These hypotheses have all been investigated with the conclusions that currently used vaccines meet high safety standards, and that the criticism of vaccine safety in the popular press are not justified. Finally, there is no evidence of an immune-system role in autism. The lack of evidence supporting the vaccine overload hypotheses, combined with these findings directly contradicting it, have led to the conclusion that currently recommended vaccines programs do not overload or weaken the immune systems and are a greater benefit than a risk to children. I am a mother of 2 healthy boys, as a parent I have made the choice to have my children vaccinated against all diseases except H1N1. I did not have my children vaccinated against H1N1 for personal reasons. However, from the time of both of their births they have been vaccinated with all the immunizations as directed by their doctor and I have never had any issues with their health. I am a true believer that the benefits of immunizations out weigh the risks. The research I found while writing this paper backs up and supports everything I have ever believed about immunizations since the birth of my first child fifteen years ago. I would recommend to all new parents to vaccinate their children. Of course I do understand that there are side effects of immunizations shots, the most common one I have dealt with my children is a mild fever and maybe mild bruising in the area of the injection however, I would much rather deal with a mild fever for a day than the thought of my child catching a deadly disease. References Adams, M (2003). Health Library The Immunization Controversy: Should Your Child Be Immunized? Salive, ME (1997). Healing Arts Children’s Vaccines: Research on Risks for Children from Vaccine Gervais, Roger (2007). Natural Life Magazine Understanding the Vaccine Controversy Center for Disease Control and Prevention Possible Side Effects from Vaccines

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Project Manager

A project manager is responsible for all of the aspects of the implementation process. This is includes but not limited to the responsibilities of task assignments, resource availability, maintenance, project documentation, budget and timeline oversight, and communication among all of the project team members. A company may run into several errors before, during, and after a system is implemented it is critical for a plan to be formed and followed to try to reduce the amount of errors. To begin the process of implementing a system the project needs three major components completed in the establishing plans and controls phase.These three components are the breakdown of the project into various phases, specific budgets applicable to each phase, and specific timetables applicable to each project phase. For a project to be managed effectively the project needs to be broken up into multiple phases to try to prevent as many bugs as possible. If a project is broken up it becomes easier to m anage and precede smoother. Because a project of implementing a new system has multiple people involved it becomes unrealistic for there to be a standard method for breaking down the task.This is because there are several different opinions and requirements for each phase. To the extent possible, tasks should be broken down to a level where task definition is sufficiently clear to enable individual personnel to be assigned to specific tasks. Making an accurate timeline is difficult to do since there are regular setbacks when implementing a system. The timeliness will depend on the project manager and whether or not the manager has had previous experience with the company. The previous experience will help with estimating the amount of time given to each task based on the previous project.The time estimate will involve the four basic steps of work measurement: identify the task to be estimated, for each task estimate the total size or volume of the task, convert the size or volume es timate into a time estimate by multiplying the estimated processing rate, and adjust the estimated processing rate to include circumstantial considerations such as idleness or complexity. Executing Implementation activities is the next critical phase when implementing an accounting system. This involves the actual finishing the design plan.This includes activities such as employee training, acquiring and installing new computer equipment, detailed systems designs, documenting the new system, file conversion, and test operations. Not all of these activities may be applicable depending on the software being implemented. Employee training is critical because the employees are who is going to be using the system. This will help with making the transition into the new software smoother. Some additional design work will be completed during the detailed systems design activity.This is the activity that might reveal that some of the design plan will be unworkable, and plans may need to be c hanged at this point. Documentation is one of the most important activities when implementing a new system. The documenting can be used to help with training employees, provide programmers with useful information for the future, information for auditors, and assist with design expectations. The implementation plan will allow adequate time for data screening since errors occur during the file conversion.File conversion can be one of the most time consuming activities, and will be provided a lengthy timeline. For testing operations the parallel approach will be used despite the expenses. If the direct approach was used the errors from the system failing could equal the expenses that could be spent in the parallels approach to ensure system effectiveness. The final step in the planning process is the evaluation of the new system after it has been implemented. The new system will still need to be monitored and changes may be needed to the system afterwards.This will help ensure that the system is running appropriately according the original plan that the company decided on. Feedback will be imperative from the employees who are actually using the new system daily. The monitoring will be done through observations and questionnaires. References Bodnar, G. , & Hopwood, W. Accounting information systems . (Eleventh ed. ). Upper Saddle River: Pearson. Hoyt, J. (2009). 5 steps to a successful implementation of your new accounting system. ERP Software, Retrieved from http://www. erpsoftwareblog. com/2009/11/5-steps-to-a-successful-implemention-of-your-new-accounting-system/ Project Manager A project manager is responsible for all of the aspects of the implementation process. This is includes but not limited to the responsibilities of task assignments, resource availability, maintenance, project documentation, budget and timeline oversight, and communication among all of the project team members. A company may run into several errors before, during, and after a system is implemented it is critical for a plan to be formed and followed to try to reduce the amount of errors. To begin the process of implementing a system the project needs three major components completed in the establishing plans and controls phase.These three components are the breakdown of the project into various phases, specific budgets applicable to each phase, and specific timetables applicable to each project phase. For a project to be managed effectively the project needs to be broken up into multiple phases to try to prevent as many bugs as possible. If a project is broken up it becomes easier to m anage and precede smoother. Because a project of implementing a new system has multiple people involved it becomes unrealistic for there to be a standard method for breaking down the task.This is because there are several different opinions and requirements for each phase. To the extent possible, tasks should be broken down to a level where task definition is sufficiently clear to enable individual personnel to be assigned to specific tasks. Making an accurate timeline is difficult to do since there are regular setbacks when implementing a system. The timeliness will depend on the project manager and whether or not the manager has had previous experience with the company. The previous experience will help with estimating the amount of time given to each task based on the previous project.The time estimate will involve the four basic steps of work measurement: identify the task to be estimated, for each task estimate the total size or volume of the task, convert the size or volume es timate into a time estimate by multiplying the estimated processing rate, and adjust the estimated processing rate to include circumstantial considerations such as idleness or complexity. Executing Implementation activities is the next critical phase when implementing an accounting system. This involves the actual finishing the design plan.This includes activities such as employee training, acquiring and installing new computer equipment, detailed systems designs, documenting the new system, file conversion, and test operations. Not all of these activities may be applicable depending on the software being implemented. Employee training is critical because the employees are who is going to be using the system. This will help with making the transition into the new software smoother. Some additional design work will be completed during the detailed systems design activity.This is the activity that might reveal that some of the design plan will be unworkable, and plans may need to be c hanged at this point. Documentation is one of the most important activities when implementing a new system. The documenting can be used to help with training employees, provide programmers with useful information for the future, information for auditors, and assist with design expectations. The implementation plan will allow adequate time for data screening since errors occur during the file conversion.File conversion can be one of the most time consuming activities, and will be provided a lengthy timeline. For testing operations the parallel approach will be used despite the expenses. If the direct approach was used the errors from the system failing could equal the expenses that could be spent in the parallels approach to ensure system effectiveness. The final step in the planning process is the evaluation of the new system after it has been implemented. The new system will still need to be monitored and changes may be needed to the system afterwards.This will help ensure that the system is running appropriately according the original plan that the company decided on. Feedback will be imperative from the employees who are actually using the new system daily. The monitoring will be done through observations and questionnaires. References Bodnar, G. , & Hopwood, W. Accounting information systems . (Eleventh ed. ). Upper Saddle River: Pearson. Hoyt, J. (2009). 5 steps to a successful implementation of your new accounting system. ERP Software, Retrieved from http://www. erpsoftwareblog. com/2009/11/5-steps-to-a-successful-implemention-of-your-new-accounting-system/

Fires in Underground Transport Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Fires in Underground Transport Systems - Essay Example Invisible flames and clean wood smoke caused misinterpretations among emergency response teams. In addition to 31 deaths, more than 60 people got hurt ranging from smoke inhalation to severe burns. Kaprun fire disaster The Kaprun fire disaster occurred at the Gletscherbahn 2 railway tunnel in Austria on 11th November 2000. The disaster killed 155 people; 12 people including 10 Germans and 2 Austrian were the only survivors of the catastrophe. As Carvel et al (2005, p. 6) claim, the unscientific infrastructure of the railway car greatly added to the disaster. To illustrate, the unit had kept its fire extinguishers out of the travellers’ reach and there were no smoke detectors on the board. The fire was ignited by an electric heater at the lower end of the train evidently due to a faulty design. The braking system pipes containing flammable hydraulic fluid were quickly melted and this condition resulted in an unexpected halt of the train. The intense fire damaged the emergency e xit systems of the train and therefore majority of the passengers were trapped in the train. Prior to the Kaprun disaster, designers had held a general view that fire would not occur in a funicular cabin. 1995 Baku Metro fire According to Fridolf (2010), the fire occurred in the subway system in Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan, on 28th October 1995 claimed the lives of 289 people. Electrical malfunction is believed to be the ultimate cause of the disaster even though there alleged to have a deliberate sabotage. Although 95% of the passengers survived the disaster, it remains the world’s deadliest fire in the underground transport system (ibid). Firstly, passengers observed white smoke, which was quickly turned to thick black smoke and caused... From this research it is clear that underground transportation systems planned and built these days are obviously very complex and vulnerable to fire accidents. Evidences show that fire accidents in the recent past caused extreme damages to people and property alike. Due to the spatial limitations of an underground transportation system, tunnel fires hinder all ‘rescue and repair’ operations and hence add to the intensity of the catastrophe. In addition, unlike other accident scenarios, passengers are less aware of the sources of danger and may not have clear and coherent information. This situation will also become a barrier to evacuation measures and increase the magnitude of the disaster. As Julga argues, technical defects and accidents are the two fundamental causes of fires in underground transportation systems. Although a variety of fire resisting tunnel transportation technologies have been developed recently, none of them is potential enough to completely elimina te the danger of fire. Some of the recent fire accidents in underground transportations systems are described in the paper. They would help one to understand the seriousness of the issue. There are two fundamental causes for fires in underground transportations systems: technical defects and accidents. Evidences suggest that technical defects are the main causes of majority of underground tunnel fires. The discussion altogether indicates that fires in underground transport result in dreadful impacts including human and material damage and immeasurable socio-economic losses.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Religious Life of the Planet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Religious Life of the Planet - Essay Example Humans appear to be psychologically pre-disposed to accumulate a certain system of beliefs and practices that can be called religion. From psychological point of view religion is a means of assuaging anxiety. From cognitive perspective religion provides explanation of phenomena encountered in daily life and abstract concepts. From sociological point of view religion is a means of creating order and establishing group identity (Tremlin, 2010). Religion appears to manifest itself in the way it functions, and that is in its ability to serve psychological, intellectual, and social human needs (Tremlin, 2010). Being a system of rituals, beliefs, and considerations religious practices are institutionalized and help to connect humans with the world beyond. They provide people with the sense of fulfillment, leading adherents to another level of consciousness. (Super, Turley, 2006). Religion can be regarded as fundamental element of society, as it shares concepts with collective consciousness. It is a type of human activity that manifests itself as a specific behavior accepted by the members of the group sharing a certain system of beliefs. The nature of beliefs cannot be validated by direct observation (Super, Turley, 2006). However, elements of religious behavior can be singled out: gathering in groups, communal eating, theoretical discourse about the existence (Dow, 2007). Strictly speaking, religion can be defined as a collec tion of behavior patterns and observable behavior complexes. The latter include: prayer, music, physiological exercise, exhortation, reciting the code, simulation, mana, taboo, feasts, sacrifice, congregation, inspiration (Dow, 2007). Criteria to be employed in the attempts to determine whether human beings are religious may include the following: 1) theory or system of beliefs concerning unobservable agents or powers, which is shared by the members of the group; 2) meetings, processions and feasts; 3)

Monday, August 12, 2019

The meaning of Thanksgiving and the separation of church and state Essay

The meaning of Thanksgiving and the separation of church and state - Essay Example .† In Mourt’s Relation, Edward Winslow writes, â€Å"And although it be not always so plentiful as it was at this time with us, yet by the goodness of God, we are so far from want that we often wish you partakers of our plenty (Winslow).† The first official proclamation of Thanksgiving was by George Washington in 1789 and it contained an overtly religious message. Washington said that Congress implored him, "to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.† However, Thomas Jefferson refused to deliver a Thanksgiving proclamation and one of the primary reasons was because he believed it violated the policy of separation of church and state. As is evidenced by the above referenced material the majority understanding of Thanksgiving was clearly as a religious holiday and Jefferson’s rejection of it on the national scale would be similar to a contemporary President embracing Easter for the expressed celebration of Jesus resurrection. It’s worth noting that Jefferson did issue a Thanksgiving proclamation as a governor, a fact some historians attribute to Jefferson’s understanding of the constitution as restricting matters of religion in the Executive Branch, but leaving them open for interpretation on the state level. Yet this didn’t step other Presidents from drawing connections between religion and Thanksgiving well into the 20th

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Education by computer -a better way Research Paper

Education by computer -a better way - Research Paper Example Nonetheless, despite wide acceptability of this trend, there has been debate from many quotas on the suitableness of this, as a schoolrooms method. The question of whether computers are the best way to go has been motivated by a myriad of factors such as, the cost and maintenance of computers and the whether it adds value or it is just a passing fad. The importance of the roles played by computers in the modern classroom will be discussed with the intent of logically proving that they are they are a crucial aspect of modern education. Keen consideration into the basic psychology of most school going children age ranging from early childhood to late teens will reveal one common factor, they all benefit more from practical student centered learning as opposed to, teacher centered learning. Here, computers come in handy; a teacher will instruct a student on how to obtain information using a certain software or website. The teacher will just require providing the basic skills and he/ she will leave the student to do the rest as the teacher supervises. Students and teachers can use LCD projectors, Digital cameras I pads and smart boards among other technological equipment to harness the power of computer technology in class (Meador). ... Besides considering learners today, especially teens spend much of their time on their iPhones and laptops browsing and chatting, it is natural for them to be more interested in a class that has computers. This is because they will using the same gadgets they normally associate with fun and leisure, and having conditioned themselves thus they are likely to react favorably to technology in class ultimately translating in higher grades. As aforementioned, computer education, or education through computers provides learners with invaluable computer skills, which can serve them well in retrospect as they enter the job market or self-employ. Furthermore, there is innumerable gaming software that can be used inside or outside the classroom situation, to develop not only the computer skills but also the psychomotor skills such as hand and eye co-ordination in young children. Math and mind games also help learners develop; analytical and critical thinking and problem solving skills that cont ribute to their personal and professional growth. Other benefits of gaming activities include improved memory and dexterity with computers, which is one of the requirements for one to excel in the games (Salgado). Teachers as parts of lessons can use these games or curricular activities as part of team building by diving learners in groups and having them compete against each other. They also allow a chance for the more bookish students to shine in co-curricular activities to make up for lack of finesse in the field or gym. Online tutoring is another crucial benefit having computers in the classroom since learners are able to stay in contact with their teachers through the internet. They can consult them

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Interview - Essay Example One of her first jobs is to work at a call center of a cellular phone company. She made $9 per hour then. She worked graveyard shifts, and she complained that the schedule and target goals were very stressful and exhausting. After only three months, she decided to shift to becoming a pre-school teacher. She finished BS Mathematics and she enjoyed it. But she realized that she wanted to also become a pre-school teacher. For the next three years, she took Early Childhood and Education programs. After she finished the programs, she applied for a public school in our community and she got hired. Right now, she is still a pre-school teacher and loving her job. She makes around $30,000 every year. She is now pursuing her MA in Early Childhood Education. Teachers are not superheroes; they are human beings with likes and dislikes in this world. She said that as a girl, their family had two dogs, three cats, two rabbits, and two hamsters. The most special pet for her was Britney, their white cat with blue eyes and bunny tail. She is special, because she seems to be aware of her limits as a pet. Janice said: â€Å"Brit is the sweetest cat ever, and she never pounces on food, unless it is given to her. And you can just feel that she loves you so much, when she brushes on your legs.† Like other people, Janice tries to avoid some things, but she ends up doing them. She said that some of the things that she is doing that she said she would never do are eating another slice of chocolate cake, and spending more time playing CastleVille than originally planned. She admitted being â€Å"partially addicted† to both. Janice stresses that she hates long lines, traffic, and young people who disrespect their parents. Some of the best things that Janice loves about her life right now are that she can do anything she wants, because she is still single and she does not have to be encumbered with the responsibilities of being a

Friday, August 9, 2019

Medical beliefs of pre-literate and pre-historical peoples made little Research Paper

Medical beliefs of pre-literate and pre-historical peoples made little logical sense - Research Paper Example The societies in the past believed in supernatural and natural ways of curing and treating diseases. This means that, some diseases were believed to originate from supernatural evil spirits, sorcery or gods while others were believed to originate from the society (Lalita, 1984, p. 80). The medicine men in those days believed that the evil spirits were fabricated by sorcerers, and this could hamper a person’s body and result to illness. This spirits could only be removed from a person through the skull and not from any other body organ because they believed that the spirits were held in the brains. Among many other treatments done to the people possessed by the spirits, ‘Shaman’- the medicine man was supposed to trephine the skull (Edited Guide Entry, 2001). Today, anthropologists have developed an intimate understanding of the beliefs, that the society could not invent medicines and drugs to cure and heal the diseases. This is because the treatment of the diseases was not based on body tests of the sick, but from the beliefs. This made the victims to be subjected to treatments that they did not deserve, and hence was a serious threat to their survival. Some treatments like trepanning, which involved drilling of holes into the human skull to expose the ‘dura mater’, are extremely crucial to the anthropologists and scientists. They can clearly understand the era or the human evolution stage and hence understand the number of years that the place was inhabited. However, such practices have been used as a benchmark for developing safe human skull surgery by scientists (Dayrit et al, 2003, p. 89). From the studies done in the past by the anthropologists, it is evident that different ailments and diseases that were common in the prehistoric period are not prevalent today. Diseases like osteoarthritis were caused by lifting heavy materials, which